-I got interrupted at least 10 times while blow drying/straightening my hair the other day. And it normally takes me less than 10 minutes
-I caught Avery sucking on a ball point pen...yes the lid was off
(While I was pulling clothes from the drying, Aksil found a super cool new toy in the laundry room!)
-Aksil tasted the stroller wheels and the bottle of slime tube sealant
-I've repaired three flats on the stroller. We use it a lot.
-I ironed 7 items of clothing in two shifts with a different baby on the floor each time while the other was napping or in the Johnny Jump Up

(Sitting up all on her own! She's playing with the little stuffed bear that one of the nurses gave Aksil when he was in the NICU)
-I got stopped 11 times in Wal-Mart today
-I can change a diaper in seconds. Don't blink.
-When I rock Aksil at night and he reaches up to play with my hair and necklace, my heart melts.

(This little man was helping me fold laundry today. He thought mommy was pretty crazy for sticking a pair of shorts on his head!)
-Holding a 21 pound baby while pushing a cart full of groceries, another baby, a diaper bag, and two carseats? No problem!
-When my babies are in their stroller and about to get rained on after clean diapers and jammies, I can run really fast.
(Looks like someone woke up from their nap in a good mood!)
-My sweet Avery likes to sleep with her little arms and legs tucked under her and her tiny butt up in the air. Probably the cutest thing ever.
-I never, and I mean never, eat an entire meal without stopping for something baby related.
-I can get one baby out of the carseat and hold them while I take the second baby out, grab the diaper bag, unlock the front door, and go inside.
(Ax thought riding in the laundry basket was great fun!)
-Every night as I watch my sleeping babies in their cribs I pray, "Lord thank you for every single moment with them. I don't take it for granted."
-I love that my kids favorite person in the world is their Daddy. You should just see them light up when he comes home!!
-I love that I have wonderful family (on both sides) who have paved the way for us and support us no matter what.
-Oh and did I mention, I love being a mommy! So grateful to God for out two blessings!
The twins helped me out with dishes today and as usual I snapped way too many pictures!
"Brother told me this was great fun! He was right!"
"Hey Mom, I'll wash this one."
"Maybe I can turn the water off with my mouth...."
"I want to help!!"
I was kind of surprised they both fit!!
"Mommy, we love chores!"
"Hey sis, can I have a turn?"
Baby girl was wanting another turn to help with dishes! I love it when she crawls over and pulls up on my legs....sweet little baby hands!
But the absolute best part of the day?? Daddy time!!! (and yes! Today is Mark's birthday but because of his crazy work schedule we are celebrating tomorrow. Happy birthday Mark!)
"Mommy look! We are playing with Daddy!"
Tickle time! "No Dad, no! Don't eat me!"
"Ahhhhh!!! DAD!!!"
Pure delight in these little guys faces when Daddy is around.
1 comment:
My favorite part was the dish washing! So cute :) You are quite a busy mommy. They look so happy!
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