Breakfast! Mmmmm....smooshed banana.
ooooooo....Baby Einstein! Yes, my kids watch TV. And yes, I would much rather my kids didn't watch TV, but when it's just me and them and I'm having a super rough day or trying to keep one happy while I put the other down, etc, then yes, I pop in Baby Einstein.
If you look close you can see where the dust has been wiped away by Avery girl pulling up with her sweet little hands! I think it's adorable although I do need to dust!
While mommy cleans the house our $5 Wal-Mart mirror is a huge hit yet again!
Aksil woke up a little early from his nap so he helped me make Daddy's birthday dessert - banana pudding!
The house was clean, dessert was made, and Avery woke up so it was time to decorate!
"I'm making you a birthday banner Dad!"
I couldn't resist! The markers were right there!

Completely oblivious to the fun Mommy was having! Watching them crawl around like this definitely gave me a good laugh.
First time around balloons! And yes, I was watching them very closely. No biting balloons allowed.

Right: Ribbons on the fan were a big hit!
We did a camo/pararescue theme! Thanks to $1 decorations from Wal-Mart and toy army men the kids got awhile back from Grandmommy.
My oh-so-fancy center piece! ("That Others May Live" is part of the Pararescue Creed) Yay for having kids to make things like this such fun!

Left: We hung PJs from the streamers! Right: "Mommy, can I go outside?!"
Nap time with Daddy is waaaaay better! We get to sleep in our swings!
Mark wanted steaks for his birthday so we made a quick trip to Costco. It's the twins first time to sit in the cart like big kids! I still keep them in their carseats when I go out and just put groceries on the bottom and underneath their seats. It's easy, fast, sometimes they sleep, and most carts don't have two spots up front. But these kiddos are growing so I won't be able to get away with that much longer!
They loved it!!!
Waiting for the grill to heat up so we could cook our steaks and shrimp!
It's the tickle monster!! "No Daddy, no!"
This little girl loves her Daddy!!

Left: Daddy's little Princess Right: "So Dad, how do you grow hair on your legs??"
Grilling time!
Mark grilled the steaks *perfect*.....they were so good! I cooked mashed potatoes, broccoli, beans, and sauteed onions and mushroom. Yummy!

It's time to party! The babies thought Daddy's birthday was great fun and decided to wear these hats so they could practice up for their one year old birthday party in January.
The twins thought the little blow out party favors were hilarious!!
So cute to see them squint their eyes, then open wide and start laughing!
"Do it again, Mom! Do it again!"
The twins helped Daddy open his package....the tissue paper was a big hit. Mark got a $250 gift certificate (from several family members who pitched in) for CrossFit gear! He ordered some bumper plates and they are arriving in a few days!
Then before the kids got too cranky and had to go to bed, we lit the candles and sang Happy Birthday!
I think they are pretty excited about candles!!
"We love you, Daddy!"
Happy Birthday to a wonderful husband and father. Mark, we love you more than we could ever express! The way these two little guys light up whenever you are around just says it all. You love us, make us smile, sacrifice for us, support us, lead us, encourage us.....and wow, I'm so blessed to be married to such an awesome guy. I love you always. Happy birthday from your wife and twins!
Jessica!!! I LOVED this!!! You are such a creative fun wife and mom!!! Awww - what happy memories! Love and miss you guys! :-*
You are such an amazing wife and mom!
Great post, you went all out for Mark. I have no idea how you do it all, a truly amazing wife and mommy!
aw thanks guys - you're so sweet!
Faith - we miss you!!!!!!!
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