"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

Friday, July 29, 2011

Great friends, great food, great day!

Overall I was pleased with the new schedule we tried today! The kids were a little extra fussy, but I think they'll do better and better as I continue to keep with my routine. Seems like any time I try something a little different they aren't too thrilled about it.

CrossFit was great this morning! We ran a 5k and after we were done I realized it has been just shy of a year since I've run a 5k! And I'm not talking about an official race, I'm just talking about distance. I haven't run that distance in almost a year - wow. Sobering thought! I had to stop running super early in my pregnancy because my belly grew so fast and I felt so much stretching/pulling when I ran. Since delivery I've run several times but only about 2 miles at a time. And it's taken me a long time (and a lot of chiro appointments) to feel good enough to run. But that 5k today sure did feel good! (in an exhausting, out of breath sort of way, haha) My time was 28:24 so I was happy that I was under 30min! yay! And the babies did awesome and just hung out. I love that our gym has childcare!

The twins love their Johnny Jump Up (especially when I hang it in the front door where they can see cars drive by!) Yay for mild, cool Albuquerque weather (nights are low 70s and afternoons are only mid 90s with no humidity!) and not having to pay for a/c! I put Avery in the Jump Up today and she was fussy until I brought Aksil over. Sweet girl missed her brother!

"Sis, how'd you grow so much hair? You think I could do that?"

Ok, so watching them play just cracks Mark and I up! Avery will have a toy, Aksil will take it, Avery will take it back, Aksil will take it....and back and forth they go! And Aksil will talk the whole time "da da da ah ah da da da bla bla da da." Mark and I just watch them and laugh!

Right: Mark calls that Avery's power stance, haha! 

My friend Liz gave the babies sunglasses and they love them! Except when I put them on they just aren't so sure what to do. I'd think they'd grab at them, but instead their eyes just get really wide and they look around like "heeeeyyyy." haha!

Mark's 28th birthday is tomorrow so we got to Skype with his family before he left for his hospital shift! Mom Driggers invited everyone over and they had some of Mark's favorite foods :) I think my favorite part was when Mark blew out his candles. They held up the cake to Skype and he blew and someone else on the other end blew them out - haha!! It was great. Aksil thinks Skype is so awesome.

The twins loved getting to see cousin Samson and were super impressed that he can walk! 

So tonight the twins and I had a dinner date at Tiffany's house! Tiffany's husband Chris is in the same training as Mark and they live just around the corner from us. It seriously takes me less than 2min to drive to their house! And no, I didn't bring my kids over in just diapers (although I wouldn't say never! haha) I was taking off their clothes and putting jammies on to give me a head start when I got home. Avery is totally in love with Miss Tiffany!

Crawling on brother! She wants that cool toy!

So many great new toys!

Left: both boys are just totally into their own thing! haha

Tiffany made a super yummy dinner of pasta with this topping of chicken sausage, tomatoes, chickpeas, onions, garlic....and I can't remember what else or remember what it's called, but it was delicious! She's an amazing cook!

I love this picture! So much going on :) Chris and Tiffany have an 18 month old son named Grey and he was so great around the twins! He let them play with his toys no problem and was super calm. I was way impressed. Tiffany is such a great mom!

I cannot even begin to describe how nice it is to know another mom who is going through the same stuff as me. She knows what it's like to have a tough schedule because her husband is doing the same training! I feel like the times we get together we never have enough time to fit in all we want to talk about! Thanks for having us over tonight, Tiffany! I'm blessed to know you!

Pretty blue eyes that she got from her Daddy :) 

When we got back it was quick diaper changes and off to bed! Earlier in the day Avery was crawling around in the bathroom, while I blow dried my hair, and she rolled over bonking her head really hard on the floor. Most of our house is carpet so she's not used to hard floors, poor girl. So she now has her first official goose egg! Before brother even! 

"Hey Mommy, can I take a picture!?" I was trying to get a picture of it (definitely a big happening to be documented!) and was having a hard time getting one.

Yup, there it is....little bruise on my sweet baby's head. I'm sure there are many more to come!

Bring on tomorrow!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Just look at all of Avery's hair!!! So fun! I bet Aksil is a little jealous! But that's ok... He's a boy! ;-)

That was so sweet of Tiffany to have y'all over! What fun for the twins to have a little buddy to play with too! Abigail loves watching other kids and I'm sure the twins are probably the same way! It's so great that you have another mom you can relate to as well!

I'm so impressed that you are doing CrossFit! That's awesome that you can take the kids with you. Such a blessing!