Yesterday afternoon I took Mom Driggers to the airport....I cry every time I drop someone off to go home and that day was no different. She was such a wonderful help to us! Cooking, cleaning, babysitting, helping me get projects done, watching kids so I could run errands and Mark and I could go on dates. She read to the twins, sang to them, swam with them, played with them, loved on them....what a awesome ten days we had!

Grandmommy and the twins right before we left for the airport.
So now it's back to reality....Mark is working some crazy shifts right now and happens to be in the middle of a 48hr fire station shift. Last night went ok and after the kids went to sleep I just relaxed and didn't do much - I was sooo tired!
Today was the first day back on my own....overall it went ok, but I'll have to admit things got a little crazy. First of all, the news of the day is that BOTH twins are crawling. Yes, my barely six month olds are all over the house! Aksil does a scoot/army crawl but is quite speedy at it and Avery is even faster (she does your typical "up on all fours" crawl). So this mama hen has lost a few feathers chasing after kiddos and grabbing electrical wires or the bottom of a nasty shoe out of their mouths. Our favorite saying around here is "no, no." Maybe I should have it inscribed on the furniture as a constant reminder. Ah yes, that sounds nice.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Avery is pulling up?? Why yes, crawling is way too boring so after only a couple weeks at it she decided to move on to the next big thing - pulling up. On everything. Couch, coffee table, TV table, bouncy seats, me, toy box, carseats, bean bag....anything and everything. This girl is full of spunk and energy! So yes....I take back the comment about losing a few feathers. I think I'm bald.
This morning I did CrossFit. SO PUMPED to be back doing that again! The babies did great. Hung out in their carseats most of the time watching us do bench presses and pull ups. The couple that runs the gym are awesome and I'm so excited to be getting plugged in with the CF group here.
We also visited Mark at the station this afternoon! Even though he works 48hr shifts, its nice that we can go hang out. As we were leaving the house to go see him, he text me that they'd gotten a call for a wreck (roll over) so it might be awhile. We ended up passing it on our way to the station.
Crazy angle because I was driving and not paying attention to where my camera was pointed. Mark's ambulance is the red one on the far left.
Avery: "Oh Daddy, you do really cool stuff! Brother, look at the big, red fire truck!"
I think this was the fourth time we'd been to visit Mark. I just had to snap some pictures! Especially since this is the kids first few times to be around a fire truck!
The fire stations in Albuquerque have ambulances (unlike Fort Worth), so since Mark is in paramedic training he has rotations at the hospital as well as shifts at the fire station. This is the ambulance he's on!
We had such a great time hanging out, talking, letting the babies play. I brought a mat to put on the floor so they could play and they were pretty good about staying on it, but Aksil would kick his feet on the mat and it'd move and he'd end up kicking the floor.
Hmmmm.....nice. But no worries. I was planning on giving them baths anyway when we got home.

Left: Dirty little feet! Right: I just love my little family sooo much! I treasure every day I have with them.
So after hanging out at the station, it was back home for dinner, baths, and bedtime. Ax decided to get a little reading in too. Pretty sure he wants to be like Daddy!
"I'm A Fire Officer" is his favorite book.
"Hey Mom, can you help me sound this word out?"
"Are you sure it doesn't go this way?"
"Oh, this is better...."
Dinner was pretty uneventful except for some crying because the twins hadn't gotten good naps with all the running around. I'm still nursing them 6x a day but we are adding in more solids! We started adding things in about two weeks ago and its going great. Tonight they had pureed chicken (with a little unrefined sea salt) and pears. Yum-o!
Then it was on to baths. Ah yes. Me in all my brilliance thought it would be a fabulous idea to bath the twins in the kitchen sink. Why, I could just bring all their stuff down here and save a few trips up and down the stairs! My quads are super, super sore after doing a million squat cleans on Monday so it sounded like a great idea. Note to self: NOT a great idea.
So I started out by taking off diapers/clothers, of course, but I couldn't put one baby in the sink and leave them so I could undress the other, so I set little Avery on the kitchen floor, naked. While I was getting Aksil ready she peed and crawled all in it. Oh. Thank you. I quick plugged the sink, started the water and put the babies in. There were a few tears since they were so tired, but they soon thought it was great fun.
Aksil loves splashing so you can just make note that I am now a wet, bald mama hen. Oh, and did I mention I forgot their little washclothes? Ah, no worries, I'll just grab a stained rag from above the washer to use :-/ Perfect.
I accidentally let the water get too deep but couldn't drain it because their foam sponges were in the way. So I'm washing babies (slippery soap hands) and Avery decides to stick her whole face in and inhale at least 1/2 cup of water. She looks at me with this face like "what did I just do" and doesn't breath. Ok, not a big deal....but then she keeps not breathing and I start to get a little worried. So I put Aksil on the counter top and stand in front so he doesn't slide off, grab Avery with my slippery hands and put her in the head down position that you are suppose to use on infants who are choking and gave her a few hard pats on the back. At first I thought I was kinda dumb for doing it since she was only choking on water, but it worked great! She caught her breath and since she was pretty clean, down on the floor she went so I could finish washing Aksil. I put her on her towel (why yes, of course my kitchen floor is spotless) but she starting whining/crying and crawling around.
"Uh Mom. There is a piece of dried food stuck on my side of the sink. Not evening kidding. I cannot take a bath in this."
Yes, crawling around. Oh wait! There is pee on the floor! So I quick grab a kitchen towel and throw it on the pee to soak it up (don't judge me). I quick finish washing Aksil and wrap him up and put him on the dining room floor. We definitely skip lotion and the babies get dried, diapered, and jammies on.
"Hey brother, do you have dried food on your side??"
"Hey move your leg. Oh you do have dried food on this side! Gross!"
"hmmmm....what do you think it is??"
Left: Avery was not happy at this point!
So once they were ready for bed I put Aksil in his bouncy seat in front of Baby Einstein (thank goodness for Baby Einstein!!) so I could take Avery upstairs to nurse her and put her down. Then it was back down to get Aksil, nurse him, and put him down....
"Sis, your ok. I'll make it all better!"
So yes, that was our day. And as I finish this, both babies have decided to wake up crying! Poor Avery is a little stopped up from the water she gulped down :( That's it for now....
Sure do love my babies and awesome husband!!
1 comment:
Oh. My. Gosh! Hahahaha.... That is just too funny! I cracked up at your dried food comments!
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