I have tons of picture from the second week (March 24th-30th) Lynette was here and I sure appreciated every moment of help! Talking to Mom recently I realized that I was probably anemic until just recently. I was slightly anemic during pregnancy but then I had all the bleeding issues/bed rest postpartum so I think it has taken my body quite awhile to build back up! Just before I left for my two week trip to TX (Memorial Day weekend) I realized I FINALLY felt more normal energy wise....wow! And the kids are five months old now.... yeah
All that to say I've been so drained and tired for so long that I really appreciated people coming and helping out!

One morning we found the twins holding hands as they slept...sooo sweet! (sorry, its a little fuzzy...) We would put them a couple feet apart but Avery always wiggled and scooted until she was snuggled up next to Aksil.
Stretching! Good morning!
I don't think it gets more ghetto than this! haha! I didn't want to pay $60 for one of those activity mats so I created my own. The kids LOVED it (of course now we can't do it anymore because they pull so hard the whole thing comes down!)
"Brother, your toys look cooler than mine...."
The second weekend Dad Driggers flew in to spend some time with us! We had such a great time...so many awesome memories. It was great for Mark to get to see his dad too. I haven't been away that long and I get to travel back and see family, but Mark can't because of training and the restrictions they have. So it's great when friends and family come to us! (hint, hint ;)

Dad flew in Friday and after Mark got out of class we did some grilling! It was a little chilly, but not to cold to take the kiddos outside for some fresh air. Here's Aksil and Grandaddy watching Mark grill.
Avery watching all that's going on.
Mark is awesome at grilling! Our fajitas were so yummy! And Dad brought us some Central Market fresh made tortillas....ahhhh....love those! It was a great treat :)
Yay! Time with Grandaddy and Grandmommy! The babies loved being outside. They are just over two months old in all these pictures.
More grilling!
Later that night, Aksil fell asleep while I was holding him...nothing better than a sweet, sleeping, snuggly baby!
Play time!
Saturday evening we went out to dinner at Sandiago's Mexican Grill. They have a tram that goes up the mountain but I still haven't been on it! One of these days... But the view at the restaurant is amazing!

We ate outside on the patio and Avery got a little cold and cranky. So Mark, being the super awesome daddy that he is, fixed that problem! Isn't she cute all snuggled up in his jacket?!?
Dad, Mom, and Aksil (snuggled up). I'm sure Mom was glad to get a break from all the cooking she'd been doing! She made us so many yummy meals and it was really nice for me not to think about caring for the twins AND cooking. We would be eating take out every night if that were the case!
Gorgeous sunset! "The heavens declare the glory of God!" Psalm 19:1
Our family of four! We are so grateful to God for all his blessings to us!
"Grandaddy, how did you grow that mustache...I think I want one!"
Aksil loves his Grandaddy!
Avery's newly acquired skill of blowing bubbles! haha
Sunday morning before church. Aksil, "ah man Dad, this stuff is boring! Do you really have to learn all this medical terminology?"
Snapping some quick family photos
after church. It's hard to get everyone
looking at the camera! Sunday morning
Mom made a delicious breakfast of
waffles with yummy whip cream and
strawberries and some eggs. yum, yum
Just hanging out after church. The kids did great in church! Slept most of the service swaddled in their carseats, sweet babies. Yay for carseats that rock and for swaddles!
Sweet baby girl getting some time with Grandmommy :)
Avery the drama queen! "Brother, I think you're touching me." And Aksil is just loving life! haha
Just having a great time!
Carrying Avery around in the Moby...yeah, I'm not very good at it! She looks a little awkward here :)

Here's Avery gnawing on Grandmommy's
finger and arm and just having a blast!
She was so concentrated!

Yay! Bath time! It amazes me how dirty babies can get when they don't even crawl around yet! They get little lint and funk build up in between their fingers and toes and they have baby odor! Cracks me up :D
Avery sometimes gets a little scared/cranky during bath time, but not very much!

Mark is in paramedic and they are learning to start IVs so he does it on himself to practice!! In his foot even! yeah....I don't think I'd have the guts to do it. I let him practice on me, but there is no way I'd do it to myself! haha - go Mark! Oh, and he is doing AWESOME in paramedic! He's passed every test, studies hard, and has high scores. Super proud of him :)

Left: Mark getting the babies up in the morning. They were still not sleeping through the night at this point....whew so exhausting! Glad we are past that! Aren't they cute all swaddled up still?! Avery looks like she's checking out daddy's muscles :D
Right: Story time with Grandmommy! Yay! The kids LOVE books, especially Aksil.
"Grandmommy, can we read lots of books!?"
Mark and I after one of our date nights. Sooo nice to have someone to watch the kiddos so we can get some time together! We went to a sushi place off Central that was really yummy.

Wednesday morning before Grandmommy flew out. Taking some pictures and saying goodbye to the babies.
So sad to see Mom Driggers go! :( We had a great two weeks together. It was so nice to have someone take care of the kids at night, cook yummy meals, clean around the house, talk with, watch the babies while I ran errands....she did everything! I'm very blessed to have such a wonderful mother-in-law. Love you Mom!
1 comment:
Ok, hands down, Aksil is a little charmer! haha... They are both just precious! Avery is too cute blowing her little bubbles. hehe...
I'm sure their Grandmommy and Grandaddy had a wonderful time with them! What a blessing for ya'll to go out on a date night too. Yay!
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