After the Watts left that Spring Break weekend, Mark's Mom flew in just a few days later - yay! We still needed so much help....the twins were still waking up multiple times during the night and I was trying to get my routine down. We were of course super grateful for her help! And it was nice for me to have some company and someone from home :) Made me feel not so far away...
So here is week one of Mom Driggers being here to help us out (March 16-23)

Left: The night Mom arrived! Yay! The babies were wearing their green - gearing up for St Patty's day :)
Right: Since the twins were just over two months old we were right in the middle of dealing with the dreaded witching hour! (or rather - hours!) About 5 or 6 every evening they would just start to scream and there was little you could do to console them. So Mom would take the babies on a walk so Mark and I could sit down and eat dinner (which she had made! She's so awesome)
Miss Avery, quite happy about her walk with Grandmommy!
Our two little peas in a pod!
We started using the velcro
swaddles with them and it
worked out great! Here
they are all ready for bed :)
I remember those first couple
nights that Mom was here being
really rough! The twins kept
waking up over and over. She'd
get up with them, I'd get up
with them....we were trying
everything we could think of!
Training them to sleep through
the night was no joke! I think
during this period our goal was 11-5.
Some nights we made it, some nights
not, and I think every night Mom
got up to comfort/soothe them...
wow, those days seem so far
away now!
Left: Sunday morning! The kiddos are sporting the new outfits that Grandmommy brought for them!
Right: Daddy and his little princess (Her outfit says "daddy's little princess")
It was so nice to go to church yet again! I felt like if we could get dressed, out the door, keep them happy in church, and make it home in time for the next feed that we were doing pretty good! At this point, we were feeding them right before we left for church, swaddling them as soon as we got there, and they'd sleep the whole time! If they stirred we would just rock their little carseats (Chicco is the ONLY carseat to buy! The fact that it rocks has saved us a million times over!) and they'd go right back to sleep!

Mark was in the middle of EMT at this point, so here Avery is helping him get a little study in! I can't believe how tiny she is in these pix!

Left: Sunday evening, Grandmommy and her twin grandbabies! Right: Aksil is looking at the TV! haha
Here he is again, just finished eating, trying to figure out what in the world that huge screen with colors is! Yeah, I know, probably not the best thing for a 2 month old :)

Avery isn't quite as interested in the TV as Aksil is! She just wants to hang out with daddy. I love how she just has one little sock on!
"Daddy, your stories are the best!"
After I finished feeding the kids, Mom would always help me burp them. Aksil is my super fast eater so he would always finish first and she'd end up with him almost every time! Every now and then Avery would beat him, but hardly ever.
Mark catching a nap and watching Aksil all at the same time! He's such a great dad :)
The twins having a little tummy time! They still couldn't last long on their tummies at this point - they'd always get tired and cranky in 5-10 minutes.
So there's a few pictures from our first week with Mom Driggers. She was an AMAZING help and it was so nice to have her here. She cooked, cleaned, kept kids happy, took them on walks, babysat so I could run errands, go to the dr, and have a date night with Mark, we got lots of great talking time....and the list goes on and on. I'm so very blessed to have such a wonderful mother-in-law. She's one of my absolute best friends :)
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