So here is a little bit of everything from the month of April. The twins were 3 months old on April 10th and 11th.
"Hey brother, you think Mommy will let us get a facebook account? Then we could keep up with our friends in TX."
"Ok, yeah....probably not. We'll just keep watching Mozart....."
Avery and I about to head out to the Moms of Multiples Meeting. Aksil and Daddy stayed home and had some guy time :)
Left: Story time!! The babies (especially Aksil) LOVE stories! We read the Jesus Story Book Bible, Dr Seuss (all time favorite is There's A Wocket In My Pocket!), and tons of other books that the kids got as gifts. Right: The babies waking up from a nap and hanging out with Daddy!
Yay! Time with Daddy!
Daddy and Avery in a deep conversation ;) One of many to come I'm sure!
Our sweet little guy! Definitely a chunk (most often used nickname is Chunker) and just calm and easy going!
In Indoc (the super intense school Mark went through down in San Antonio where he was one of the 14 who graduated out of the 130 guys who started) Mark wore these shirts with his name on them. He decided Aksil needed to try one on! A few more years and he can do Indoc ;)
Here's Mark at Indoc (third from the right in case you can't see his blonde hair!)
Aksil rocking out the shirt!
"Um Dad....this kinda makes me look like a monk..."

Left: Aksil was playing on his tummy when he spit up and, before I could grab him, planted his face right in it! Yuck! We laughed soooo hard! Right: Mark practicing some of his awesome IV skills on me. He's super good and knows so much medical stuff! I'm way impressed.
"So Daddy, about our talk the other day. I was thinking brother and I could get a facebook account...."
"Hey brother! You listening? I'm trying to get Dad to let us get a facebook account."
"We can get one, right Mommy?"
Some bean bag fun! Yes, Avery is more dramatic than Aksil most of the'd you guess?
Mark watching the kiddos....and getting a nap in!
Lots 'o Links is one of the best things I ever got! The kids love being outside so I just set up their playpen right near the door and they had a great time!

Aksil and I with the Moby wrap!

Daddy with his babies! Left: Aksil is learning how to play Call of Duty :D Right: Good morning! Mark brings the babies downstairs for me every morning before he leaves for work.
Daddy's little girl

Left: Avery hanging out with Daddy, perfectly content and happy. I like that Mark is wearing his "Thug" shirt, haha Right: Aksil showing off his belly!
First time to the park! (April 30th) There is a McDonalds on base and right next to it they have an awesome park that is covered, has swings, slides, GREEN grass, and everything! It's super nice and I know we'll be hanging out there more and more as the kiddos get older.
Aksil isn't sure what to think about all the green!
Aksil telling Avery a secret.
Best friends!
Avery decides to share her secrets too :)
Getting a little sunshine!
So that pretty much sums up our April! (minus Easter which will be my next post....) We are so blessed and grateful for our precious babies! Loving every moment with them :)
Yeah! So cute! Love that park!!!! You can walk right over and get yourself an iced coffee! BTW... Mark has his shirt off a lot. Not sure if you noticed. But you probably did. You love his muscles.
Oh you bet I noticed! ;) he's HOT
So I noticed your double stroller by the front door. Love it! I hadn't seen one like that before. Super neat. :-)
Yeah its the snap n go that I got off craigslist for $40 - its perfect for shopping!
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