The morning of February 11th Mom and I woke up at 4am to start getting ready for our trip. I fed the twins and put them back down and we started getting ready....last minute packing, filling the cooler with snacks/meals for the road, loading up the UHaul with last minute stuff, and all the other million things you have to do to travel and travel with newborn twins! We finally had the SUV and little UHaul trailer loaded and pulled out of the driveway at 8:12am - headed to Albuquerque, NM and our new home with daddy!
About three hours after we left the twins woke up and were ready to eat....the plan was for me to pump, then give them bottles as we drove, then pull over to burp, change, and wash the pump parts so we could do it all over again! Let's just say that things weren't that scheduled and easy like I thought they'd be! (surprise, surprise...haha) That first stop was pretty chaotic and funny....took us over an hour. We pulled into a McDonalds parking lot and I got the crying twins out of their carseats to stretch. Mom and I got them to take more from their bottles, burped them, I nursed them a little, took a potty break, washed pump parts in the bathroom (that was glad no one came in while I was doing it!!), and got hot water to thaw some frozen milk we'd brought. Mom changed their diapers in the passenger seat while sitting in the drivers seat (too cold to open the door and do it) and both babies decided to have awesome blowout diapers that first stop so it was new clothes for them! Finally we made it back on the road! The stops after that went better and after 12 1/2 hours of driving we finally pulled up to our new home! It was so crazy though that I don't have any pictures of our trip - sorry!

Finally with daddy!!
Those first days were rough. Before we left the twins were on an every three hour feed, awake, sleep schedule that was completely destroyed by the trip! Poor babies :( Those first few days/nights they were super fussy and I pretty much just slept, ate, changed diapers, and nursed babies. One day I didn't even get out of bed until 3:30pm! I would lie in bed and nurse one baby, then roll over and nurse the other baby. When they were awake and happy Mom would come get them (Mark was at his EMT classes), change their diaper and put them in the swing or keep them happy so I could rest. When they got fussy she'd bring them back and I'd do it all over again. I had snacks by the bed and she'd cook me meals and bring them up. Finally after three or four days they started to get back on their schedule and we all began to feel human again! Mom and I both agreed that those few days felt like that first week home did after they were born.
Avery, why aren't you sleeping??
This picture makes me smile because not only do both kids have crazy looks, but you can see the complete chaos of our room in the background! We were definitely just in survival mode!
The day I got to shower and put on some makeup! This is us in front of our new home :) The twins are now doing much better on their schedule and are actually sleeping in the nursery for the first time tonight!
Left: So glad daddy got to come home a little early! Right: the babies loved being outside in the sunlight.
Getting some sun :) My amazing Mom is here for two weeks to help me get settled and organized. She is amazing!! I'm not sure what I'd do without her help. She cooks great meals, keeps the kitchen cleaned, the house picked up, the laundry done, and is organizing and helping to set things up. You definitely appreciate your mom in a whole new way after kids!
At some point I'll post pictures of the inside of the house. Mark did an excellent job unpacking everything before I got here! He had all the boxes unpack and everything put away....I was super impressed! When he was home over Christmas we packed everything up and the morning of January 2nd he and another PJ friend (thanks Derek!!) drove the UHaul to New Mexico.
Mark and Derek early in the morning
Thirty seven weeks pregnant with the twins. Once Mark left I moved in with my parents and 8 days later Mark was flying home for the twins birth!
Ok, so I think I got a little sidetracked :) Anyway, kids are crying so that's all for tonight.....