The weekend before spring break (March 11th-14th) our awesome friends Josh and Aubrey Watt and their 10 month old son Elijah came for a visit. We hadn't seen them since June of last year so it was one of the best weekends ever!
We first met Josh and Aub at our church in Fort Worth, McKinney Bible, when all four of us were going to the church's young married couples class. Another couple in the class took Josh, Aubrey, Mark, and me out for kind of a "welcome to the group" coffee. That's pretty much how it all got started :) We have so many great memories with them!! Camping trip, dinner dates, coffee dates, grilling by the pool...When the Watts moved back to Pheonix AZ last June and Mark headed off to Basic Training it was a little rough for me! So when they said they could come visit over Spring Break (now that we are in NM and closer) we were THRILLED! Ahhh!!! Nothing like great friends :D
They arrived at our house Friday night and we all stayed up late talking.
Left: Saturday morning! (I think I was still in bed! haha...I was still having issues with them sleeping through the night and they were exceptionally cranky Friday night!)
Right: After an awesome breakfast (thanks to Josh) we headed out for a walk around base. Aubrey pushing the kids around for me so they wouldn't wake up.
Playing at one of the parks on base. I couldn't get over how hilarious it was that we were all taking a walk and going to the park with our kids! Love it though! Kids change a lot huh? :)
Man time
Saturday night we wanted to go out to dinner at Sandiago's restaurant. Here's all the kiddos loaded up in the Sequoia!

Eating out on the patio - yummy food and an awesome view!
This pictures is a little fuzzy but I love it :) Mark is calming Avery down - she was being a little cranky.
We made it in time for the beautiful sunset!
All of us at dinner! (Aksil is asleep in his carseat behind us) We got so many weird looks from people...especially when we were leaving. Four adults, a 10 month old, twin 2 month olds, two carseats, and two diaper bags! haha

Sunday morning we all went to church at Mars Hill. We love hearing Driscoll preach every week! This was only our second week to take the twins to church and that last Sunday was pretty rough, so this time we had a better game plan. First I scheduled their feeding so they wouldn't need a bottle in church. Things lined up just right so that when we arrived at church it was time for the twins nap. So we took them out of their carseats, swaddled them, put them back in, and put a blanket over their carseats to make it dark. Worked like a charm! They slept almost the entire time! And the last couple Sundays they HAVE slept the entire time - yay!
It was so cute to see Elijah and the twins interact!!
Saturday night the guys grilled and Aubrey cut up and cooked all the veggies for fajitas! (didn't get any pix - bummer) They were so yummy! Aub cleaned up the entire kitchen afterwards and wouldn't let me help a bit - sooo nice. I just sat at the table, drank tea (that she got for me), and we talked :)
Oh yeah! And Charlie came! The twins liked watching him walk by - and Charlie is great around kids!
Avery wearing her super cute shirt from Aunt Jenny!
On Monday Mark went back to school and Josh, Aubrey, Elijah, and Charlie headed back home to Pheonix. Wow - what an awesome weekend we had with them though! It was great talking to Aubrey about how to schedule the twins. Since Elijah is just 8 months older than the twins, she had so many super good tips and advice for me! Not only was it fun to have the company, but Aubrey made me some snacks for the coming week, they went grocery shopping for us, cooked breakfast every morning, and even picked up and vacuumed the house before they left! They are definitely the kind of friends that just make it super fun, relaxing, comfortable....I wasn't stressed out about having company over - they are more like family!
Thanks for driving to see us! Can't wait til we get to see y'all again! Love you guys!
So fun!! So glad you got to spend time with them!
What a fun time! Sounds wonderful! They were so sweet to do all that for you! That's like every new Mom's dream... Someone to grocery shop, cook, and clean for you!
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