"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

We Love Nana!

Last Saturday my Mom flew back to Fort Worth....and we both cried. She'd been with the babies since they were born - almost seven weeks straight! She was there when I delivered, in the NICU with Aksil, at Harris SW with Avery and me, at the Ronald McDonald house before Aksil was discharged, those first crazy nights at home, the getting them scheduled process, helping me with breastfeeding and giving bottles when needed, cooking and bringing me tons of food, holding the straw to my mouth so I drank enough water while feeding two babies, sleeping in the room with the babies and I so she could help at night, going on little to no sleep week after week, AND during all of that, fixing and repairing Mark's and my Fieldcrest home to get it ready to rent.

Left: Nana and Avery at the hospital. Right: Nana and Aksil in NICU

The day Aksil got to come home!

Left: Nana giving Avery a bottle. Right: Nana holding Aksil

Then it was the move the Albuquerque. She packed up the UHaul while I kept super cranky babies happy, she made food for the trip, drove the whole 12 1/2hrs, changed millions of diapers, gave babies bottles, got us settled in at our new house, organized my kitchen, bathroom, nursery, laundry room, and hall closet, bought groceries, stocked our frig and freezer with delicious meals, cooked fabulous dinners every evening, brought Mark and I breakfast in bed every morning, watched the kids while Mark and I had a date night, brought me meals when I was on bedrest, brought me babies when I couldn't get up to get them myself, changed more diapers, rocked them, soothed them......she got me through those first crazy weeks. She is a mom. She is MY Mom and I love her to death.

A little time in the sun :) Outside our house in Albuquerque.

The twins were really cranky those first several days. Here is Nana rocking Avery to sleep.

I'm not sure you truly appreciate your mom until you've had children yourself....at least I didn't. I'd been told, yes, the deep love, the deep sacrifice. But now I KNOW. I'm a mom. Just now am I beginning to understand the amount of love a mom has for her children and the unbelievable amount she sacrifices. It makes me cry just typing it out. I miss my mom....kinda like that little five year old girl who cries if mommy is away. That's kinda like me.....only I'm not five :)

The twins and Nana after bath time

How blessed am I to have such an amazing mama. She's shown me how it's done by her example and now it's my turn. My turn to show my sweet Avery how to one day be a mama. My turn to be a godly, loving mama to both Aksil and Avery. Thank you Mom for always being Jesus to me, to all six of us. Thank you for helping me during this special time. Thank you for all you've taught me over the years.

Saying good-bye through lots of tears.

Thanks for being my mom and being such an amazing one. I love you! And those sweet babies love their Nana. We miss you!


Brenda Liniger said...

AMEN to a mom's love and greatness. When I became a mom for the first time I just felt so awful for the way I had treated my mom and feelings I felt growing up, a moms love for her children is taken for granted way too much. I can appreciate my mom and other moms more now that I have walked in their no sleep for month shoes. Moms sacrifice for their kids because of the immense love they have for us, no one can ever replace a mom.

Michelle said...

No eye will be dry at the end of reading this post!!! Mine certainly weren't! I'm so glad your mom got to be there with you through all of this! What great memories you now have together.

I wouldn't give anything for the time my mom spent with me after Abigial was born. She kept me sane and helped me so much as well! What a blessing our moms are!

( : David'sKate : ) said...

Wow. You mom sounds (and apparently is) amazing! What a selfless and diligent example! What an immeasurable blessing! She's beautiful too, obviousely on the inside from everything you've just shared, but on the outside she's lovely!