Our sweet babies are two months old! So hard to believe that the time has gone this quickly....makes me grateful for all the times I've just forgotten everything else and played with my babies, or spent an extra 10 minutes rocking them to sleep, or held them in my lap, or toted them around to "help" me with chores.
Happy St Patricks Day! They celebrated today by wearing green ;)
Best friends! They are starting to watch each other more now....during play time when I have them on their mats sometimes they will just stare at each other like, "Heeeeyyyyy.....yeah YOU were that person with me in mama who was kicking all the time!"
Mark started paramedic on Monday. This is his huge box of drug study cards. They cram a whole lot of info into a really short amount of time. He's super diligent to study every night and I'm already so impressed with how much he knows! Plus he's awesome at explaining stuff - makes it easy to understand and gives good details. So of course I think he's gonna do amazing!
Oh how I've missed my yummy coffee! So just last week Mark purchased a little decaf for me. No, nothing like Starbucks, but still smells and tastes like heaven to this mama who can't have Starbucks! Plus, on mornings when I'm super tired I make a cup and tell myself it'll give me a boost, haha. Ok, so decaf DOES have a little caffeine....but I think the "boost" I get is mostly made up in my head, haha
Precious little baby feet....I love their little toes!! Adorable!
Avery is Daddy's little Princess for sure! She was crying her head off tonight, but the INSTANT I handed her off to Mark she was silent! Not even a whimper - little stinker. So maybe she is a little spoiled but I love that she loves her Daddy.
Aksil would spend his entire life eating if that were an option I'm sure! Every feeding he starts getting frustrated and cranky when he gets full because he wants to keep eating! No joke! This little guy loves "Daddy time" as well and is smiling and "talking" more and more. If you talk to him then wait, he'll answer back with his little cooing sounds and its so much fun to listen too! We love it :)
This little girl is super attentive to everything! She loves looking at lights, windows, the iPhone, the TV - anything bright and she gets these big eyes and just stares. She "talks" too now and gets so intent on what she is trying to communicate. AND she's started to smile in the last couple weeks! Love this baby girl!
Little Man finds his hands more and more and resorts to just sucking on those since he's not allowed to eat 24/7 haha! A couple times he's found his thumb but mostly he just sucks on his fist. He's our calm, cool, and collected little guy whereas Avery is pure drama! She definitely cries more than him!
Sticking with the theme of green.....Faith brought me some Bath and Body Works stress relief aromatherapy when she came! ahhhhhh.....fabulous stuff.
Little signs of spring are starting to appear! We have a small fenced in area right off our porch and there are little sprigs of peppermint all over. Makes it smell yummy out there :)
If this little guy hears you talking he will look all around until he finds you! So stinkin cute!
Sweet Pea can be so expressive! When you talk to her and she tries to "talk" back she makes the cutest little faces. I love the drama she adds around here!

Aksil is so happy most of the time! He smiles a lot in the morning and a lot when Daddy comes home. He even smiles up at you when you put him in the crib at night - so precious! They are on an every 3hr schedule during the day (feed/awake/sleep) and both go down for naps really well....hardly make a sound....until the dreaded 6pm hour. That's "witching hour" around here where they are just super fussy! We resort to swings or holding them if its too bed. No naps in the crib at this time of day! We are still working on our night times. They can go six hours at night but still wake up with gas. I don't feed them, just calm them down and they usually go back to sleep pretty well. With it being twins and with us moving at 4 1/2 weeks I've learned that we are just a little behind all the way around. But that's ok! We are getting there! Making progress a little at a time :)

It's so neat to see these two little ones grow up side by side. The differences between boy and girl are so obvious and adorable! It will be neat when they start playing together. It's funny because when one starts crying and the other is still asleep, I go get the crying one and put them in the swing or whatever. Within 5-10 minutes the non crying baby wakes up crying! Without fail! It's like they realize the other one isn't around :) Almost every night standing over their crib or rocking them to sleep I pray a little prayer - thanking God for my precious little ones, asking for His protection on them, and asking for wisdom on how to raise them up to be godly, to love Jesus with their whole hearts. Such a huge task, an amazing responsibility being a mommy. Wow, and God chose me to be the mommy to these little ones. I don't take a single moment, a single day I have with them for granted. Mark and I are so blessed.