Barack Obama will be our next President, and I will definitely be praying for him.
These two couples I respect tremendously. And I hope to be seeing Sarah Palin again :)

John McCain is definitely a man of faith and a man of class. His speech brought tears to my eyes.

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." Romans 13:1
So true... It's a tough pill to swallow, but it must be His will or it wouldn't have happened! Now all we can do is pray!
Hey girl!
Sorry I didn't return all of your texts on the night of the Elections... I was over with a friend watching a movie, enjoying some r&r... I had really been in need of some girl time so we spontaneously watched a chick flick that night. It was great! :-)
Love you, miss you, and can't wait to see you over Christmas!!! ;-)
Hey sweet girl, great post ... it's a good perspective to have!
BTW, how do you know Jennifer Tankersly? I noticed we were mutual friends on Facebook.
Good reminders, Jessica. Thanks!
Haha! Yes! I kept thinking about that night with Lisa in the ER while I was laying there... that was a very strange night... I was curled up at her feet on the bed with her... you were in the chair... then we switched... hahaha... what memories!!!
Hopefully we won't have to be repeating those anytime soon though! I've enjoyed my time in the ER for a while now. :-)
Thanks for praying for me. I wish you could be nearby too! I watched a great Christmas movie today called "The Christmas Card." It was really sweet! You should definitely watch it!
Love the new blog heading!!! :-)
Where's your 2009 post??? ;-)
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