I'm going to begin to post my wedding pictures....a few at a time. I just love remembering this perfect day in my life when I married my best friend and the man of my dreams. So here is the beginning of my perfect day...
The make-up...Camile trying to hold very still!

I love Kelsie's face!

Melissa did a fabulous job on all the girl's make-up. She is very talented and is absolutely wonderful!

Laughing and having a good time...
I love this picture because it tells so much! This is me arriving at Gladney, wedding dress in one hand, veil in the other, purse over my arm, recently washed and windblown hair, and a happy, excited, "I can't believe I'm getting married!" look on my face. =)
More to come....
Your pictures are beautiful! What a sweet day (and the best anniversary date ever)! I believe that so much of a marriage growing better with time is a choice. You are obviously making the choice to grow in the Lord and with each other. I look forward to seeing all God has in store for you guys! Hoping to see you a little more over the next couple of months!
How great it was to "hear" from you on my blog today. :)
I had no idea you had a blog too - but I'm very happy to make this discovery. Your pictures are fabulous! And I love how you designed your blog with the blue frames around each picture. Very cool!
To answer your question from my post, I attended a workshop entitled "Counseling the Bruised". Dr. Joe Allbright is the name of the instructor. He has written a book called, "Liberating the Bruised" that contains a lot of the material he taught on. I have yet to read the book (even though that is a prerequisite to the workshop) because of my stay in Ukraine. However, I hope to do so soon as I think it will help me sort things out in my understanding. There was a lot of material shared that is just not commonly heard in today's Christian circles. While I don't know exactly what I think about everything yet, I do know that Dr. Allbright is a Godly man of incredible faith, deep wisdom, and much experience. He is now 71 and has been in this counseling ministry for 30 years. His love for God was contagious!
I am so glad you and Mark are doing well! Kelsie has shared a lot of your story with me as it's progressed over the years. I am so thrilled for you both and excited to hear how delightful married life has been for you. :)
I love your pictures! I love looking at my wedding pictures, it was such a perfect day and I would not change a thing! And you are so right that it only gets better with time! Just when you think you could not fall in love anymore...then you do! thanks for posting these pictures so we all can see them!
Great pictures!!! That was such a fun day. And so much fun getting our hair and make-up done!
What a perfect day!!! You were such a beautiful bride! I couldn't have been more proud of you. :-)
Your pictures are so beautiful, Jessica! Looking back through my wedding pictures is one of my favorite things to do. We are both so blessed to have been given a day that was as wonderful as we'd hoped all of our lives! God is SO much more than faithful!
You scrubbed out your fridge? Wow!!! I'm so proud of you... that's hard core wife right there! hehe... I'm sure you'll be a great help to Jennifer with all her wedding plans since you just went through it too... so, when are we all going running? I ran the last two days but didn't even try tonight with all the snow... brrr...
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