This week has been busy! I've definitely been "stretched" a little at work...some days are just tough and exhausting. I LOVE my job, but I'll be so happy when I feel like I actually know something and can take care of my patients without asking the other nurses a million questions. My preceptor is an angel though and I'm so blessed to have her to train me! I worked Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week, and had a Neonatal Resuscitation Course today, which was fun and interesting! Wednesday was by far one of my toughest days yet...I felt exhausted and like my brain was in a fog. I had prayed that morning as I walked into work that I would be a light and witness to the other nurses and my patients, but as the day worn on I was just praying that it would end and that I wouldn't make any stupid mistakes. I was just ready to go home!
Well, it was near end of shift and I was checking on my last patient to give her a med and tell her good-bye. As I began to leave the room I asked, "Is there anything you need before I go?" She looked at me and burst into tears. I was a little surprised to say the least! But I ran over to her, put my arms around her, just hugged her, and asked what was wrong. She said that she had two young children that she hadn't seen in two days and she had just finished talking on the phone to them and she missed them a lot. So we talked and I grabbed the roll of toilet paper out of the bathroom for her to blow her nose and I rubbed her back and told her what a sweet mom she was for missing her kids so much. She told me about them and cried some more, and I listened. After awhile she calmed down and I gave her another big hug. By the time I walked out of the room she had a little smile on her face.
My whole day had been hard and exhausting, but that few minutes comforting that mom made it all worth it. That's one of the many things I love about my job. I have chances every day to be a little piece of Jesus to someone. The moms in antepartum are at a very difficult time in life. Some are there for two months or more...I love that I really get to develop a relationship with them. God sure has blessed me with a wonderful job. It's hard to believe that after all of my studies I am really an RN!
On a side note, this weather is gorgeous and makes me ready for spring! And, below are a few more wedding pictures...hope everyone is having a fabulous week!

My sweet, life long friend!

Michelle in the middle of getting her hair done, and me in the middle of getting my make-up done. Looks like Abby needs a nap! She was the cutest little flower girl!

Jennifer, Michelle, and Sarah

"Who me?? Am I really getting married today!!" My sweet sister Jennifer helping me get dressed. Her wedding is just a couple months away and I'll get to do the same thing! :)