Waking up happy after nap time! Yay!
The day we left. Aksil is excited about going to TX!
After the kids last feeding at 7:30pm, we loaded up the car and pulled out of our driveway at 8:01pm on the money. I was super excited that we had packed up all four of us and left on time. I'm documenting this because I'm not sure it will ever happen again! haha
Left: And they're off! In two completely different directions of course. I was so glad that Mark was home before noon and could watch them while I packed up! Right: Aksil loves the door stoppers! And this one isn't even the springy kind!
Checking out the little Pararescue bear the Billings gave us. She loves this bear!
Checking out the little Pararescue bear the Billings gave us. She loves this bear!
"Mommy, what's a camera?"
Mark started off driving because I was exhausted from packing and cleaning all day and figured I could sleep well right off and take the second shift. Well, I tossed and turned and got only a few winks of sleep from 8:30-11:30....And my legs were sooo tired and achy, ugh. I couldn't get comfortable! So when we stopped for gas and to feed kiddos at 11:30 I told Mark that if he wanted me to drive I could because I wasn't getting any sleep!
The babies new DVD players! And they are watching......Baby Einstein! After 15min or so they both fell asleep. But when they got a little cranky later on, these came in handy again!
So I took over at 11:30am Albuquerque time, 12:30am Texas time. A Starbucks double shop espresso energy drink and some Twizzlers was a little more bang than I expected! I was wide awake until we arrived at Mark's parents house at 7:00am! Drove 6 1/2 hours with no stops and I wasn't sleepy at all! I think caffeine really affects me.....haha
So much stuff!
Mark's Dad made us a gourmet breakfast! We were so hungry! One of the best breakfasts I've ever had.

Left: Avery and Nana! My mom met us at the Driggers. Lynette (Mark's Mom) is out of town, but will get back early Sunday. Right: Yeah!! Uncle Adam!
So yes, we've arrived and are so very grateful for a safe, easy, and uneventful trip! Now for a fun and busy week ahead!