"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sometimes it's ok

Yesterday was my 26th birthday....so very different from the year before. At twenty-five we were still in our first little house on Augusta, Mark was a firefighter, I was a nurse, we wanted kids at some point soon, but no particular deadline, and there was no discussion about the military. Twenty-six is completely different, not in a bad way at all, but overwhelmingly different. New house, twins on the way, Mark gone two and a half months already, a move out of state in our near future, I still hold my job as a nurse but have added to that list mother and military wife. If you'd told me all that a year ago I'm not sure I'd believe you....

Wednesday morning I woke up with a bit of self-pity. We always spent my birthday together, went out to dinner, or just hung out together. This year I knew I'd get a phone call and that was it. But wait, why am I thinking that way? That's it? But I DO get that. I get to hear his voice, know he's ok, hear him say "I love you," know he is just 5 hours away. That's more than a lot of people get.

It's all about attitude. I decided I could go through my twenty-sixth birthday wallowing in self-pity that I don't get to spend the day with my husband OR I can look back over the past year, over the past 25 years and be completely overwhelmed by God's blessing. A husband who loves me, a strong marriage, two precious babies on the way, a great house, a job I love, an exciting future, fabulous support from family and friends, and twenty years of knowing my Savior. Wow. In a matter of minutes there was a smile on my face....what a great day it was to thank God for His many blessings.

And although an attitude of joy and thankfulness is vitally important there are always points of "weakness" I guess you could say. But at times that weakness is ok, or rather, that vulnerability, that depth of love for one person. Tonight after talking to him the tears just came. Week after week of not sleeping in the same bed, hugging him every day, kissing him morning and night and whenever I want, him not being there to talk to, to laugh with. It's hard, just no way around that. But sitting here with tears running down my cheeks, it made me realize that its ok to miss him and ok to cry. I'm not giving in to self-pity or choosing to be ungrateful for God's blessing. No. I just love deeply, that is all. I just understand more completely the precious gift God gives in marriage. As Mark's wife, supporting him is what God has called me to do, and I couldn't be more proud of my man. I respect him and love him with my whole heart. I wouldn't change a thing. He is doing what God has called him to do, and I support that man one hundred percent. But some days it's ok to just want him home. Because some days it's ok to love in that way. Tomorrow I'll be strong again.

"You lift me up, Holy One, Holy One
When I but come, You're enough, You're enough
You fill me up with Your love, with Your love
To You I run Holy One...."

"Holy One" by Rush of Fools


Michelle said...

Girl, I am so proud of you for how strong you have been for Mark. I know that it has been so hard for you to surrender your desires and emotions in order to support your husband. The Lord will bless you for that and He is the One giving you the strength to do it!

What a wonderful opportunity God is giving you to learn so many lessons about treasuring your marriage, your man, your role as his wife, your role as the mother to his children,etc... You know... when we were younger you told me a quote that you had memorized by Elizabeth Elliot. Do you remember it? It has always stuck with me!

"Every experience God gives, every person He places in our lives, is the perfect preparation for a future only He can see."

God is using this time to prepare you for something that only He knows! And it's OK to let down your guard and cry! It's OK to feel lonely without Mark! God has given you two a bond that is to be cherished as husband and wife and He has given you the desires to be together.

You are also correct to realize that you shouldn't let your desires turn to self-pity and I'm so proud of you for keeping your responses in check and to realize the difference between rejecting God's will for you and Mark's life right now by being discontent, verses, as you have wisely chosen, to allow your emotions to flow freely, but to thank the Lord for His grace in giving you such an amazing husband and to thank Him for His grace in helping you to respond with trust and peace, even as you weep.

Jess, your example of quiet trust, even when your heart breaks, is such a reflection of the Lord's work in your life. It's been so encouraging to watch you grow as a wife over these last few years. You are truly a beautiful woman who's heart for the Lord is contagious!

I love you friend, and sister, and I will be praying for you (and the babies) while ya'll await the exciting reunion with Mark in a couple months!

Michelle said...

btw... I LOVE your picture together! So cute!

Rebecca Goucher said...

Jess, I am encouraged by your post here.. I know exactly what you are feeling and can sympathize 100%. It is such a sweet testimony to read your words, hear your anguish, and yet your complete acceptance and trust in God during this time! I am so thankful that Mark and you are serving our country. Military life is no walk in the park, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! I know that you are experiencing the full on separation, but you are doing so with quite grace, dignity, and giving the glory to our Lord! Praying for you as you make it through the next months.. Take care my friend and if you ever need to talk to a fellow military wife, please just let me know. I am here for you always!!


Sandi Weldon said...

What an amazing post. Really proud of you, Jessica. Wow. Thanks for taking the time to keep up a blog. And you are ADORABLE!

Jessica said...

Thanks guys! Means so much to have your encouragement and support :)

Jessica said...

Thanks guys! Means so much to have your encouragement and support :)