This is a rather odd post...bits and pieces of my life of late. :)
Mark and I went on a date. Picked up lunch at Chic-Fil-A then drove to a little park. Ate at a picnic table, played on the swings some, then waded in a little creek nearby. It was perfect.
I bought a green dress today...knee length, cute straps...reminds me of spring. It needs some adjustment, but it was on sale and I figured I needed a little sewing practice anyway. :)
Baby names are hard to decide on...I was just on a site to see which ones I might like. No, I'm not pregnant yet, but it doesn't hurt to look.
Mark is at work through tomorrow morning. I miss him. He is my rock.
Today I was one of the nurses at a natural birth. This was her third natural birth, and that woman was amazing. I'm ready for my turn. :)
I've often thought about having kids, but I know not everyone has an easy time getting pregnant or they may not even be able to get pregnant. I may be one of those people...there is no fear in this thought because I know God controls that area.
I love blue scrubs. Its amazing to finally be a nurse. And it still amazes me how much there is to learn...I'm constantly asking questions.
Last night Mark requested Chicken Parmesan on noodles with red sauce and chocolate mousse for dessert. I had the ingredients for dinner and then made a quick trip to the store for dessert. Other than whipping the cream for the topping too much that it curdled, the dessert turned out fabulous. We ate it and watched Jaws on TV :)
Mark and I are getting back into doing triathlons. I've gone swimming some recently and love it. My technique definitely needs improvement.
I often wonder how I will handle a house full of kids one day. I can barely seem to keep things clean and organized now..or rather, I can't. Maybe if I sleep less....
Have I mentioned kids too much in this post? Hmmmm...
I love life. I love my man.
I loved this post! And your not the only one with the baby bug! =) And what you said about the people who can't get pregnant and having a fear of that being you. I really struggle with that but have to often put it in God's hand and not dwell on it because it is a fear I batttle. Oh yay a natural birth...you don't see much of those in the hospital anymore hu?
Oh and your not the only one who is not pregnant but looks at baby names! It never hurts to be prepared right? ;-)
You made me laugh! When you get the bug, it's just bad. I remember. It seems longer when it's happening than it does in hindsight. We usually have a boy and girl name picked out in the first few weeks of knowing I'm pregnant.
Let me say as someone who has experienced waiting, loss, and beautiful children, God is SO good. . . all the time and in every circumstance!
This post brought a smile to my face,,,,I love the randomness of it yet it brings everyone up to date in a round about way. Keep them coming....
Aw, Courtney's words are sweet. It's nice to have those a little ahead of us in life to encourage us. I am definitely walking alongside you with that baby bug, sister! Waiting on God's timing is difficult, but like you, I know beyond any doubt that it is best for me, Adam, and any kids we will be blessed to have! It was great to run into you this morning! Have a great week!
Haha! I love this post, girl! It gives us a little sneak peek into all those thoughts roaming around in your mind.
And... you know... you can always ask me for baby name suggestions... I know you've really enjoyed my ideas in the past! ;-) hehe...
Well... now that I'm back... again... how about working out together? This week maybe? Or... rather, next week... I keep feeling like it is Tuesday... not Friday... haha... anyways... LOVE LOVE LOVE you and I can't wait to tell you about my trip and to hear how life is in the Mark Driggers family! :-)
Haha..so very true. I'm not a very faithful updater on this thing. And now so much has happened..where do I start it's so overwhelming. :P
We need to hang out again soon!
Now... I hope you understand that when I move to Kentucky I'll be constantly checking your blog for updates from Texas... so you know what that means!!! Updates... :-)
haha... well I guess I won't hold it against you if you don't update a lot! ;-)... hehe... that's what phones are for anyway... right?
I miss seeing you! After you finish your next round of work days, we need to go do something! Camile suggested tonight that I come up with six things I want to do in my last six weeks in FW. How fun!!!
So how are you feeling? Better, I hope! Maybe being able to rest the other day instead of work helped you feel better!
Thanks for the kind words, Jessica! Have a great weekend!
Hey girl! The race at Southern is called the Great Commission Center 5k... it's on Friday, October 4th at 9am. That should be perfect running conditions too... nice and cool, hopefully! :-) I can't wait!!!
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